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Our Story

Since it was created in 2022, about 47,000 bottles have been sold in France. A real success! 

Marie- Julie, the founder is a district Nurse since 10 years when she get pregnant with her first child. A complicated pregnancy, even more difficult as she gained 85 pounds, that she was able to lose over a long period of time. 2 years later, second pregnancy, same gain of weight, same pain.

The cause : water retention. 



By talking about it around her, she then, realized that water retention is a real health issue that many womens and mens suffer of daily. While some people only suffer water retention during summer, most people are affected whole year about it , summer and winter. 

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To support this cause, she moved forward and decided to train and learn the specialized lymphatic massage method, Renata Franca. A manual massage technique that uses firm pressure on the whole body with precise tonic movement at a faster pace, on the circulatory path of the lymphatic system with “pumping” type pressure on the lymph glands and exclusive manoeuvres.


In about 5 years, Marie-Julie became  one of the most valued practitioner of the specialized lymphatic massage method"Renata franca" in France and Luxembourg.

«I’m aware that not everyone can afford a massage session weekly, it’s a budget. I Thought about an alternative way, something really efficient».


A partnership started between Lehning Laboratories and Body Look care in France, to create a dietary supplement to help drain excess fluid from tissues and stimulate lymphatic system functions.


«  We absolutely wanted to work with natural herbs, and we picked 3 plants with confirmed properties, whose combination provide excellent results »

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